This week I made good progress. Second page is done and already started third page.
Viime viikolla:
Last week:
Heaven and Earth Designsilla oli taas 50% alennus, joten päätin ostaa vielä yhden mallin, jonka ehdottomasti halusin. En halunnut ottaa riskiä, että poistuisi valikoimasta ennen kuin saisin Christmas Presencen valmiiksi. Mallin nimi on Yours Faithfully ja taiteilija on Lisa Parker. Minun oli pakko saada tämä, koska meillä on juuri tuon rotuinen koira, eli walesinspringerspanieli.
Heaven and earth Designs had a -50% sale again, so I decided to buy one more chart that I absolutely had to have. I didn't want to risk it being discontinued before I finished Christmas Presence. The chart is called Yours Faithfully and the artist is Lisa Parker. I had to have this chart because our dog is of that breed, a welsh springer spaniel.
Wonderful progress. Well done on finishing another page. Love your new chart.