I had a long break from cross stitching, but now I'm back on track. The only thing thing I stitched during the break can be seen in the picture below. It's Scarlet Quince's Earth From Space At Night. I have actually done a bit more stitching on it, but I forgot to take a picture before I took it off the stitching frame.
Viime viikolla aloitin pistelemään myös Heaven and Earth Designsin Mini Yours Faithfullya. Alku on sujunut sukkelaan, koska tässä vaiheessa ei ole vielä sitä konfettia.
Last week I started to also stitch Mini Yours Faithfully from Heaven and Earth Designs. So far the stitching has been easy and fast, because there's no confetti stitching yet.
Tilasin myös juuri ennen taukoani Casa Ceninasta Riolisin pisteltävän kamera-/kännykkälaukun ja Kustom Kraftsin Winter Moon -mallin sekä kankaan sitä varten.
Before my break I ordered a Riolis' camera or phone bag kit and Kustom Krafts' Winter Moon pattern and a fabric for it from Casa Cenina.
Tässä vielä viime viikon löytöni. Biltemassa osui silmiini tällainen lokerikko ja ajattelin heti, että se olisi hyvä säilytyspaikka ristipistolangoilleni. Tuo lokerikko on kokonaan muovia ja se maksaa 13,90 euroa. Ei siis kovin kallis sijoitus.
And finally, here's my find from last week. When I saw it I thought it would be a perfect storage for my cross stitch floss. The whole case is made of plastic and it cost only 13.90 euros.
Lovely stitching! Well done :) That storage box is a great find, seems to work perfectly for your floss!